He made it!!!
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Emmitt Thomas Jenkins |
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Proud Daddy |
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First Family Photo |
And this is how it all went down...
The day before Emmitt was born, I started doing a few household chores before Tom got home from school and work. It turned into a white glove inspection worthy job. Granted, we have a smaller apartment, but I was pretty proud of myself. Tom got home and immediately noticed I'd been busy and we started joking that the baby would come the next day (2 weeks early) since women always get the crazy energy bursts and clean their houses right before they go into labor. Tom even said, "Emmitt, if you're coming tomorrow, kick me." He placed his hand on my stomach and immediately felt a kick. "Well, that settles it!"
And we went to bed.
The next morning, I woke up around 7:30 for a visiting teaching appointment at 9:00. I wasn't feeling very well and I wondered if my water had broken, but I attributed the "crampiness" to not eating very well the day before and dismissed the water breaking thought entirely. I thought I could walk everything off, so I met up with my partner and we went to visit our sister at 9:00. We were at her apartment for an hour. I still wasn't feeling well, but it wasn't bad enough to complain about or even distract me that much. We had a pleasant visit then said our goodbyes.
On the way out to the car, I came to an abrupt halt.
"*gasp* Aubrey! My water just broke!"
"Are you serious?"
Aubrey, my partner, was 8 months pregnant with her first (and just had a beautiful baby boy, I might add).
We both kind of stood there for a second while I came out of the shock.
"Well, I guess I better call Tom and get home."
After dropping Aubrey off, I gave Tom a call. He didn't believe me at first, but would I joke about that? (Ok, so I did once, but not over the phone!). He eventually was convinced and said he'd be home soon. I made it home before him and started getting a little frantic: The hospital bag wasn't packed. I hadn't felt any contractions, so should I really go to the hospital now? I need to call Mom!
Tom got home soon and we just talked excitedly while throwing everything together and making a mess of our clean bedroom. After calling the Women's Clinic and my mom (who was already on her way) and packing everything we needed, we headed the 3 blocks to the hospital. We were admitted, I changed into a hospital gown, they confirmed my water had broken, and then began the wait. Ever since I had distinguished a contraction, they were only 2-6 minutes apart. As we sat in the hospital room, Tom watched TV for a while, then held my hand and encouraged me when the contractions got worse. My mom came in then left shortly after to go prepare some easy meals back at our apartment (she is an angel!).
We were admitted at the hospital around 11:30. At 2, I took some medicine for the pain that allowed me to doze off a little. At 4, the Dr. hobbled in (he was on a crutch due to knee surgery) and told Tom and me it probably wouldn't be more than an hour and a half longer. Try half an hour.
At 4:37, I gave birth to a beautiful baby. The moment we knew he was here is kind of indescribable. Tom and I made eye contact and we were both speechless. We knew Emmitt had come from a holier place and we were so happy to have him with us. It was like he had already made us better just by arriving.
Sorry for my long-windedness. Here's some more pictures.
He sleeps A LOT |
Aunt Andrea and Kylee |
Grandma Petersen and Cousin Kylee |
Grandpa Petersen |
Grandma Hawkes |
At Tom's Paramedic Graduation: His first outing...Emmitt's, not Tom's. |
I have to commend this little guy on his timing. Since he came two weeks early,
* he came on the day my mom was planning a visit so she was halfway here when I called and she got to be there for the first hours of his life
*some of Tom's family were already in Utah for a family reunion so they stopped here before going home to California. Had it been later, they wouldn't have seen him so soon
we didn't have to be recovering and adjusting or still pregnant when we were asked to go from assistant managers to mangers at our housing unit
*most recently, we were able to go to Bear Lake for the last bit of my family reunion. These last pictures are from that.
I wish I'd had my camera out more. I missed a lot of my family. You never realize what you're missing in pictures until you get home and look at them all. Grrr.
My brother Rialey and his wife Kim. They're not photogenic, they just look this good! |
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Here's what we were going for (: |
And here's what we got. Granted, my mom's a much better photographer than me. Thankfully I wasn't the only one snapping away. |
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! Love you! |
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